CD Erich Adler

- Serenade
- Remembrance
- Lyric dance
Blues on three hundred trains - Have mercy on me
- Under window in the night
- I cook in a white cup
- Can I consider it
- Remembering one spring night in Terezin
Two Nocturnes - Nocturne No.1.
- Nocturne No.2.
Nocturne No.2. - 1st movement
- 2nd movement
Erich Adler is a Czech-German composer of Jewish origin who did not lose his sense of humour and optimism throughout his life, despite what he went through. During World War II, he suffered the hardships of a concentration camp that he survived. Unfortunately, he did not avoid the persecution even after the war because of his bourgeois origin when the Communist Party came to power. The situation was unbearable, so that Erich Adler was forced to emigrate and once again start to build his life and the future of his family in the Federal Republic of Germany. Music accompanied him throughout his life and became a tool of expression, by which he could manifest his grief, persistence, hope, despair, derision and faith, and in this way to overcome the bitter fate. His works are characterized by rich and natural counterpoint, opera, distinctive melody and modern approach to harmonic construction, not aiming to please, nor being scholastically dry, as far as art is concerned life he lived in Terezín pulsates through them,. Many thanks go to sponsors and partners of the CD: Numismatika Ostrava, Paskov, Foundation for Holocaust Victims, Federation of Jewish Communities in the Czech Republic, National Moravian-Silesian Theater, Lioneer photostudio and Kavárna Daniel.
CD can be purchased at the presale of the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre, the Terezín Memorial and at
CD “Music on the Edge of Life” (Hudba na hranici života)

- Robert Dauber – Serenade
- Claude Torrent – Chant de Mauthausen
- Hugo Löwenthal – Tradionelle Weisen
- Hugo Löwenthal – Violine und Harmonika
- Rudolf Karel – Pankrácká polka
- Egon Ledeč – Tatínkova melodie
- Gideon Klein – Duo pro housle a violoncello
- Gideon Klein – Ukolébavka
- Váša Příhoda – Eili, Eili!
CD “Music on the Edge of Life” is the culmination of my doctoral studies led by great Professor Jela Špitková. These are the compositions that were created in dramatic conditions during the World War II and thematically linked to it. My aim is to shed a light on this beautiful and often unjustly ignored music written by the composers who were persecuted due to racial reasons or murdered in concentration camps. I believe that music has a magical power, which helps to forget about troubles at least for a while. That is exactly what these songs are – beautiful and magical despite or just because of the fact that many of them were born in captivity. Many thanks go to our sponsors and partners such as Numismatika Ostrava, National Moravian-Silesian Theatre, Pop Academy, Stylton and Lioneer Photostudio.
CD can be purchased at the presale of the National Moravian-Silesian Theatre, the Terezín Memorial and at
Interview for the Ostravan journal: